1876. Jefferson Township-Clinton County Map.
1876. Jefferson Township-Clinton County Map.
"This township, lying in the southern part of Clinton County, was organized by an act of the Commissioner March 5, 1839, from territory belonging to Clark and Marion townships. The surveying of the township was executed by Peyton West, with John Smith and James West, chain carriers and David Wright, marker.
The first election held in the Township was held on the first Monday in April, 1839, at the house of William Sinclair, in the village of Westboro.
William Hammer emigrated from the State of Tennessee, in the year 1808, and settled near Hillsboro, Highland County, Ohio. In the year 1819 he removed to Clinton County, and located in Vernon (now Jeflerson) township, and settled on the East Fork of the Little Miami River, on the land now owned by John Simcox. There were living within the limits of the township at that time John Thornhill and William Starr, near the present site of Westboro. Soon after , Samuel Jackson settled in the vicinity on the land now owned by John Holliday.
Joseph Hockett, a native of North Carolina, from which State he removed to Tennessee, and from there to Highland County, Ohio in 1804. In 1817 he removed to Clinton County, and settled on the East Fork of the Little Miami, in what is now Jefferson Township. He had a family of seven children when he came to Clinton County, four of whom are still living, Jesse Hockett being the only one now living in Clinton County and who is now in his 74th year.
Nathan Hoggatt, from Tennessee, Settled in the township in 1810, on the land where he now lives. The first church organization in the Township was the West Fork Friends' Church, organized in 1826. The Township has a school enumeration of 470, voting population of 202 and a taxable valuation of $538,945."
Source: An Illustrated Historical Atlas of Clinton, County, Ohio
Lake, Griffing & Stevenson , Philadelphia. 1876.
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