Collection: Midland
Originally named "Clinton Valley" in honor of the county it is located in. In 1886 ithe town was renamed to "Midland City". Eventually the name was shortened to just Midland.
"Midland City is situated on the Baltimore & Ohio railroad and the crossing of the Wilmington and Westboro pike, twelve miles south of Wilmington. It was first laid out as Clinton Valley. It is noted for being a great coaling and water station of the said road and gives employment to a number of men. It is also accommodated by the Midland division of the same road.
The village has a population at present of approximately four hundred people. Midland City is incorporated and the town officials at present are: Riley Davis, mayor; B. V. Moon, clerk; Ezekiel Walker, marshal; J.A. Walker, George Fordice, A. C. Hamilton, George Patton, Quince Henderson and Harry Hall, councilmen. Maces Foster is the postmaster and Roy Wallace the agent for the Baltimore & Ohio railroad.
The business interests of the town are as follow: General stores, Maces Foster, F. J. Martin and E. H. Osborn; F. P. Walker runs a grocery store, Roy O. Boulwar, grocery and general merchandise; C. N. Connor, grocery and restaurant; Ed Shaw, barber shop; F. A. Flora and J. A. Walker, blacksmith shop; J. C. Wickersham, grain dealer; Dennis Foster. hotel; Inez Walker, boarding house; B. V. Moon and C. C. Foster, livery; William Badey, butcher; Harry and Forest Bady, cement block manufacturers; A. B. Martin is the village physician. Midland City is an excellent shipping point for the different farm products.
Big Onion is a flag stop on the Hillsboro branch of the Baltimore & Ohio. Kluck's Crossing is in the southeastern part of Jefferson township and on the Clark township line. This was a charcoal-burning station for a number of years. The ovens were the largest in this part of the state and gave employment to quite a number of men, but this industry has died out and at present Kluck's Crossing is merely a flag stop."
Source: The History Of Clinton County. W. H. BEERS & CO. 1915.