Collection: Blanchester-Marion Township maps
"Marion township occupies the southwestern corner of Clinton county and is bounded on the north by Vernon township on the east by Washington and Jefferson townships on the south by Brown county and on the west by Warren county.
For the most part the surface of the township would be called undulating but in some places it is very level. The soil is productive and in some parts of the township is underlaid with a stratum of fine gravel at a depth of from six to eighteen feet.
The principal streams are Second creek running from the northern part of the township to the west side near the center. Lick [Stonelick] creek running west through the southern part and out at the west side near the southern corner and Whitacre's run which flows from east to west south of the center.
A vast quantity of the land was formerly swampy and too wet for cultivation but by the use of modern systems of ditching and draining these lands have been made tillable and very fertile."
Source: The History Of Clinton County. W. H. BEERS & CO. 1915. Page 285.