Collection: Woodville
Although it is a very small community, Woodville (previously West Woodville) has the distinction of sitting in three different counties, Warren, Clermont and Clinton. The Warren/Clermont county line runs right through the center of town leaving some houses sitting in two different counties.
"Woodville is located on the Milford and Woodville free turnpike, in the northeastern part of Wayne township, and contains about 100 inhabitants.
It was laid out March 14, 1828, by Jesse Wood, as an attorney for Gen. James Taylor, and consisted of fifty-two lots in all, together with the public square, 100 by ] 80 feet. Main Street was 60 feet wide and 91 poles in length.
The first house built on its site was by Adam Bobs in 1828, and is now the property of Moses Foster. The next one was built by G. W Stockton in 1829, and the third was built in the same year by Enoch Meeker, and is the property of Thomas D. Scott at the present time.
The first store was kept by Adam Bobs, in a house now owned by Moses Foster. This was in 1829.
The first hotel was kept by G. W Stockton in 1833, and is now occupied by J. C. Little.
Enoch Meeker built the first blacksmith-shop in 1832, on Main Street, where he worked for two years.
The first wagon-shop was on Main Street, and was built in 1833 by G. W. Stockton, where he worked for seven years.
Samuel Cary built the first cooper shop in 1856. It was run by him for two years, and afterwards owned by John Hawkins.
In 1846, Henry Irtles built a shop for bending all kinds of timber into various articles. He worked for thirteen years, and gave employment t.o a great many hands.
A. Bobs built a pork-house on the west side of the road (near the ravine) leading from Blanchester to Woodville, in 1835, where he cut pork for several years."
Source: 1880. History of Clermont County, Ohio, with illustrations and biographical sketches...
L.H. Everts & Co.