Blanchester Area Historical Society
1839. William Garrison "Taken Up" ad.
1839. William Garrison "Taken Up" ad.
Ad announcing that William Garrison found ("taken up") a stray horse. At the bottom is a mention of an "estray book". Here's an explanation of what that was:
"Back in the 1800s wandering livestock was a problem that was caused primarily from the lack of fencing. This was such a problem that rules and regulations were made to deal with the stray livestock. In Ohio the first act regulating estrays was created 7 February 1804. [1]
What is an estray? The definition, according to Black’s Law Dictionary, Estray: Cattle whose owner is unknown…a wandering beast whose owner is unknown to the person who takes it up…an animal that has escaped from its owner, and wanders or strays about… [2]
The Estray Book detailed the wandering livestock’s markings, who found it, when it was found, who claimed it and when it was claimed, if it was ever claimed. Soon after an estray was found a notice of the animal was to be published in the newspaper or printed on a poster by the finder. The animal was appraised. If the owner claimed the animal within a year he was to pay the taker-up payment for feeding, boarding and advertising. If the owner did not come forward the animal became the property of the taker-up or was sold. The Estray book was kept by the local Justice of the Peace and a copy was given to the Town Clerk. These books were often kept at the county courthouse."

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