Collection: Blanchester
The History of Blanchester
Blanchester is situated in the southwestern corner of Marion Township, Clinton County, Ohio. Wilson’s Run and Second Creek surround the town on three sides and connect at the eastern edge of the corporation.
Blanchester was laid out by Joseph and John Blancett, and the plat recorded March 23, 1832. There were originally twenty-four lots, four poles by eight poles square, and one lot (No. 15) not quite so large. The lots were numbered consecutively from 1 to 24, lying on each side of two streets-Broadway running northwest and southeast, and Main street, running northeast and southwest. The courses of the lots were north 45 degrees east by south, 44 degrees east.
After the initial town was laid out it grew by leaps and bounds over the years. Fueled by the trains and their ability to bring goods in and out of town and passengers to patronize the businesses.
By 1882 a partial list of businesses in town included:
- 4 agricultural warerooms
- 3 blacksmith shops
- 6 house and sign painters
- 3 livery stables
- 2 chair factories
- 4 boot and shoe shops
- 7 dry goods and grocery stores
- 2 grist-mills
- 2 saw-mills
- 3 hotels
- Several mill-wright and mill furniture shops
- 3 carpenter shops
- 2 lumber yards
- 1 store
- 3 butcher shops
- 3 real estate agents
- 3 Notaries Publics
- 3 drug stores
- 3 grain warehouses
- 2 bakeries
- 3 confectionery stores
- 1 bank
- 3 millinery (hat) stores
- 1 hame factory
- 3 hardware stores
- 1 tin shop
- 3 brick yards
- 5 physicians
- 2 dentists
- 1 publishing house
- 1 silversmith
- 2 undertakers
- 2 carpet weavers
- A score of carpenters, brick masons and stone workers
Source: The History Of Clinton County. W. H. BEERS & CO. 1882.
John Baldwin’s Addition, December 15, 1832; same, another addition, July 9, 1834.
July 13, 1835, a resurvey of the original plat was made at the instance of the original proprietors, John and Joseph Blancett.
Christopher Lazenby made an addition September 3, 1851, containing the present railroad depot ground, Railroad street, Depot street, Lazenby street, Walnut street, Mill street, Church street,Fancy street, Pearl street, Bourbon street and several alleys.
C. Lazenby made an addition of outlots September 19, 1851.
Wilfred Cusick’s Addition, containing Center street, was platted October 8, 1851.
William H. Baldwin’s Addition, containing Grove and Wright streets, was made November 16, 1855.
March 6, 1865, the necessary proceedings were had and the town duly incorporated by the County Commissioners under the laws of the State.
August 9, 1873, the corporation was extended to include contiguous territory, on a petition signed by property owners within the territory to be annexed, and recommended by the authorities of the town.
Anshutz & Patterson’s Addition, including the school lot and Clark, High and Columbus streets, was platted February 2, 1874.
J. K. Trickey’s Addition, with Central avenue and South Broadway street, was platted November 16, 1876.
The County Commissioners, in behalf of the heirs of Jonathan Baldwin, deceased, made an addition to the town, containing Baldwin and Blancett streets, October 16, 1877.
Source: The History Of Clinton County. W. H. BEERS & CO. 1882.